ADA Compliance for San Diego Employers


ADA compliance for San Diego employers has two primary components: Policies and Procedures for Employees, and Compliance with Public Space, Services and Amenities laws.  The “lawyers for employers” at the Watkins Firm work with our clients in every phase of the process to ensure that a company is in full compliance with ADA regulations.  ADA compliance process begins with an audit of existing employment contracts, policy and procedure guidelines as well as the employee handbook.  ADA Title I lawsuits focus on the relationship between the employer and an employee with a disability.  Our goal is to eliminate issues of disparity and ensure that all employees are treated fairly and in full compliance with federal state and local laws.

The second primary area resulting in exposure to ADA lawsuits relates to Title III claims.  Title III is focused upon the physical building, grounds and interior spaces of your commercial building, public access and the ability for all persons to interface and make use of kiosks, visual and audio communication technologies.  We work with some of the industry’s finest Certified Access Specialists to analyze your present configuration from the driveway to building entry, and within.  Our attorneys guide compliance and advise clients on the specific strategies for managing critical issues with how visitors with disabilities are engaged and served.

If you have a business that is open to the public, or employ workers in California it is important to ensure ADA regulations are fulfilled throughout your organization.  Contact experienced lawyers who provide business counsel in ADA compliance for San Diego employers.  We invite you to contact us for a free and substantive consultation at 858-535-1511.