Decades of Experience in San Diego Business Litigation and Disputes

Decades of Experience in San Diego Business Litigation and Disputes

Are you searching a proven, effective attorney with decades of experience in San Diego business litigation and disputes?  What is the most important piece of information about a business to business lawsuit?   After almost four decades of resolving Southern California business disputes and lawsuits the simple fact is this:

Most business lawsuits and disputes are resolved long before they ever reach the Courtroom.

Why is this?  The cost of protracted litigation and the time required to get a case before a San Diego Judge (more than a year) is enough to drive most cases to seek a another form of resolution.

The Key to any Commercial Dispute or Business Litigation

The key to any commercial dispute or business litigation locally and throughout Southern California is mastery of the damages associated with the dispute.  Business litigation is all about the damages.  The Court will not order a party to take specific action and cannot compel them to fulfill the original “benefit of the bargain” (with rare exception, usually in a matter involving real estate). Your case will come down to financial damages one way or another.  Damages are the tool to gain the attention of opposing parties.  Reducing exposure to damages is a central issue in any defensive posture.

The first step in this process is to identify and quantify the associated damages.  This information provides our seasoned attorneys with the leverage necessary to gain the undivided attention of opposing parties and drive them to open negotiations.  We work to set and maintain a productive and collaborative atmosphere that removes emotion while helping to find common ground while a resolution can be negotiated.

Our Unique Approach to Disputes

The Watkins Firm takes a unique approach for our clients based upon almost four decades of experience in San Diego business litigation and disputes, as well as the realities of business itself.  While there are matters of principle and other reasons to take a case all the way to trial, most clients are looking for a way to accomplish their goals and objectives for the dispute in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-effective manner.

It may surprise you to learn that the Watkins Firm is able to resolve most commercial disputes and lawsuits through effective, leveraged negotiation.  This is the fastest and least expensive strategy for resolving any commercial dispute.  We have a strong track record of success developing strategies designed to get the transaction or relationship back on track and moving toward a successful and profitable resolution.  When a transaction or relationship cannot be completed as anticipated, we work to develop an effective settlement which reflects our client’s goals and objectives.

Mediation and arbitration are cost-effective and timely alternatives that may be useful in your case.  Mediation is a private, confidential legal venue which keeps our clients private matters out of the public record while working toward a positive settlement.  Arbitration is often specified as an alternative to trial in many business contracts.  We represent our clients throughout negotiations, mediation and arbitration while seeking a positive resolution on our client’s behalf.

Almost Four Decades of Experience in San Diego Business Litigation and Disputes

The Watkins Firm brings almost four decades of experience in San Diego business litigation and disputes to strengthen your position and ultimately resolve the issue(s) at hand.  You have the confidence of knowing that our attorneys are prepared to represent you in every phase of the dispute with a strong, proven track record of success in San Diego business dispute and litigation-related matters.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.