Management Service Organization / MSO Attorneys

Are you interested in forming a Management Service Organization or MSO for healthcare in San Diego?  The practice of medicine and the business of healthcare is a primary market sector in San Diego and across California.  What do you need to know and how can the experienced and proven San Diego medical practice and healthcare business attorneys at the Watkins Firm do to help?

San Diego Physician License Defense LawyersCalifornia law specifically requires at least one or more of the majority ownership in a medical practice or medical corporation to be licensed physicians in the State of California. Those who are properly licensed can hold a minority interest or make an investment in a smaller portion of the ownership of these companies but cannot hold a majority position.

However, there are a substantial and virtually unending supply of investors and venture capital interests who yearn for investment opportunities in the medical and healthcare industries. An MSO can be a very attractive, lucrative and sound strategy for connecting these interests.

Forming a Management Service Organization or MSO for a healthcare related business is legally and financially quite complex.  The Watkins Firm has served San Diego physicians, healthcare professionals and associated medical practices and healthcare entity for decades.  We have extensive experience and legal skill in the formation of a California MSO as well as the extensive governance and regulatory compliance required to protect the entity.  This is why it is important to review our podcast episode 30 Management Service Organization or MSOs as well as the substantial recommendations of former clients and the legal industry and contact the Watkins Firm or call today to schedule a substantive and complimentary consultation at (858) 535-1511 if you are in the planning stages of forming an MSO or Management Service Organization.

An MSO is an excellent entity for combining available investment capital with licensed medical professionals with marketable skills, products and/or services.  The MSO or Management Service Organization is an entity which may hold or operate a medical or healthcare related company.  The MSO can serve the practice or healthcare organization through a variety of supportive services such as:

  • Medical and Healthcare License ReinstatementAcquiring or leasing facilities to house the healthcare business or medical practice
  • Contract with supporting vendors and non-professional workers to support the medical mission of the underlying entity
  • Provide for the distribution and sales of products generated by the supported company
  • Manage business operations such as billing, tax compliance, regulatory compliance and collections
  • Install and support the hardware and software required to manage the business and analytical services required to lower the cost of operations while improving the quality of healthcare services and the overall patient experience

An MSO allows medical professionals and healthcare organizations to modernize the present model of creating “networks” of service providers while assuming many of the risks associated with business ownership in California.

Learn more about the process of forming a Management Service Organization or MSO for healthcare businesses and medical practices here in San Diego and across the State of California.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a substantive complimentary consultation today.