Lawsuit for Defective Solar Panel Installation Fire Damage in San Diego

Lawsuit for Defective Solar Panel Installation Fire Damage in San Diego

Are you considering filing a lawsuit for defective solar panel installation fire damage in San Diego or Southern California?  There have been dozens of fires due to poor design and installation practices associated with a PhotoVoltaic (PV) System in homes across the greater San Diego area.  These fires are usually sparked by wires which have become damaged or worn or defective design and implementation of a solar power rooftop system.  The challenge with fire on a rooftop solar power installation is the proximity of the panels themselves to the surface of the roof, and the speed with which these fires spread across the width and breadth of the installation.

In severe cases these fires have spread from the roof to engulf the entire home or commercial structure.

Can you file a lawsuit for defective solar panel installation fire damage in San Diego?  The answer is yes, but these cases require experience and the involvement of specific experts who evaluate what has happened and testify on your behalf at trial.  Usually fire damage from defective solar installation in San Diego is centered around the “combiner box” within the PV system.  The combiner box is where the wiring associated with the various panels and components of your solar system are consolidated.  There is a converter which changes the current from Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC) which is compatible with the electric grid.

There is a lot of heat associated with this process, and wiring can easily become frayed or pulled loose due to poor system design, the lack of proper materials or installation defects.

The experienced solar fire litigation attorneys at the Watkins Firm will work with you to document what has happened.  We work with experts to collect evidence and ultimately file a lawsuit to recover financial damages from responsible parties.  If you are considering a lawsuit for defective solar panel installation fire damage we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation to discuss your case.