A Shareholder Dispute Can Be Costly

A shareholder dispute can be costly for any corporate both in terms of time and expense.  Disputes between majority and minority shareholders can develop for a multitude of reasons, but most of these disputes usually boil down to money or protecting the value and integrity of a business investment. A...

Resolve a Shareholder Dispute Quickly and Efficiently

Why is it important to resolve a shareholder dispute quickly and efficiently in San Diego and Southern California?  A San Diego shareholder dispute can and will disrupt business operations and management as well as important business relationships. What Causes a Shareholder Dispute to Erupt in a Corporation? What causes a...

Efficiently Resolve a San Diego Shareholder Dispute

What are the best strategies to efficiently resolve a San Diego shareholder dispute or lawsuit?  Disputes between shareholders in San Diego corporations are unfortunately quite common.  How should you manage a shareholder dispute, especially when it involves a minority shareholder?  What is the key to resolving a shareholder dispute quickly and cost-effectively?...

Resolving a Shareholder Dispute Efficiently

Resolving a shareholder dispute efficiently and effectively is a key to any successful business.  Shareholder disputes are inevitable in any small business or corporate setting.  Investors in a San Diego corporation often disagree about the course of a business, investment decisions, the distribution of profit or strategies for growth.  In...

San Diego Shareholder Disputes Disrupt Business

San Diego shareholder disputes disrupt business and make it harder for the company to continue growth and prosperity. What happens when a shareholder dispute develops in your corporation?  The minds of the business partners and investors become distracted by the disagreement, and they take their thoughts off of the day-to-day...

Experienced San Diego Shareholder Dispute Attorneys

Are you searching for experienced San Diego shareholder dispute attorneys who know how to get things done?  Are you involved in a dispute with other shareholders in your company?  What can the Watkins Firm do to protect your investment and interests? Our Proven Strategy Resolves a Shareholder Dispute Is there...

Member or Shareholder Dispute Over Money

Are you involved in a member or shareholder dispute over money in San Diego or Southern California?  The Watkins Firm has worked to successfully resolve disputes between owners and business partners for more than 40 years. We have developed a unique approach to business disputes that is specifically designed to...

Failure to Pay Dividends

Are you a shareholder who is concerned about your corporation’s failure to pay dividends or other actions taken by majority shareholders to reduce the value of your investment or deny your rights as a shareholder? How Are Dividends Usually Managed Usually, dividends are the payment of a corporation’s profit to...