Do I have a valid failure to disclose case here in San Diego or anywhere in California? People have ample opportunity in this day and age to sell belongings and assets which are no longer of value to them. We post our old couches, electronics and fashion on a myriad...
Hidden Defects and Failure to Disclose in San Diego Real Estate Transactions
California law is well developed surrounding issues of hidden defects and failure to disclose in San Diego real estate transactions. The seller is required by law to make full disclosure of all issues they are aware of, as well as those that are necessary to avoid “fraud, misconception or deceit.” ...
California Real Estate Disputes are Legally Complex
California real estate disputes are legally complex when compared to other forms of litigation. In most legal disputes and lawsuits the only remedy available is the payment of damages. Damages are the financial equivalent of the loss a person or company has experienced as a result of the dispute. In...
Dispute with a Neighbor about Trees in San Diego
We are often contacted regarding a dispute with a neighbor about trees in San Diego. Generally speaking, trees help to make the San Diego landscape more attractive while providing necessary shade and protection from the sun. What happens when a neighbor’s tree is becoming annoying or the source of genuine...
Resolve Your Real Estate Dispute
Are you searching for experienced California real estate attorneys with the proven experience to resolve your real estate dispute? The Watkins Firm is one of the oldest real estate and business law firms in Southern California. We work to accomplish our client’s goals and objectives efficiently and in a cost-effective...
Failure to Disclose a Known Issue in a San Diego Real Estate Transaction
Why is the failure to disclose a known issue in a San Diego real estate transaction a substantial legal and financial issue? Recent years have brought a rise in “Failure to Disclose” cases based upon San Diego real estate transactions. In California, the seller is required to disclose all known...
Failure to Disclose Dispute – The Duties of the Seller and Buyer
Are you involved in a failure to disclose dispute in San Diego or anywhere in California? What are the duties of a seller and buyer in a real estate dispute? Why is the failure to disclose such an important legal issue? The seller (and in some cases their agents) can...
What is a Partition Lawsuit in California Real Estate Law
What is a partition lawsuit in California real estate matters? As experienced San Diego real estate attorneys with more than four decades of service to the San Diego commercial and residential real estate community we are often asked “how can we get (named party or entity) off of the title...
Does My Neighbor Have to Trim Their Trees in San Diego?
Does my neighbor have to trim their trees in San Diego if they are blocking my view? What rights do I have and what laws govern my enjoyment of our view(s)? Questions such as the height of trees, whether a neighbor has to trim their trees and how they relate to...