Ensuring compliance with the California fair Pay Act is crucial for any employer with workers in San Diego or throughout California. The new California Fair Pay Act legislation took effect in January of 2016 and included several changes to the previous law. Several sections of the old California Labor Code...
San Diego Employers Reacting to Changes in California’s Fair Pay Act
San Diego employers are reacting to changes in California’s Fair Pay Act and the impact it is having upon employees across the State of California. One of the first major changes in the Fair Pay Act law relates to an employees right to be able to openly ask any other...
Different Shifts and Offices No Longer Justifies Pay Difference in California
The new California Fair Pay Act that took effect January 1st of this year brings substantial new requirements for California employers who pay employees various rates based upon different shifts and offices located in more expensive cities. The new law specifically addresses these situations and places tight restrictions upon the...
How Does the New California Fair Pay Act Affect Your Business?
Many employers in the San Diego region are concerned about the impact of the California Fair Pay Act, and the changes that went into effect at the first of the year. What does a San Diego employer need to know about the California Fair Pay Act? Generally speaking, the law...