Are there risks with a joint venture versus establishing a new corporate entity? The Watkins Firm has guided our clients in these relationships for more than 40 years. A joint venture is usually a temporary entity combining the interests of two or more separate companies with harmonious business interests. It...
The Advantages and Risks of a Joint Venture in California
What are the advantages and risks of a joint venture in California? When is this business strategy used, and what are some of the primary considerations associated with a joint venture? How can the Watkins Firm and their 40+ years of experience help to answer your questions and support your...
Protect Your IP and Assets In A Joint Venture
What steps should you take to protect your IP and assets in a joint venture here in San Diego or around the world? The formation of a joint venture and associated contracts and corporate documents requires experienced San Diego business attorneys. A joint venture can allow you or your company...
Joint venture has Google investing millions in California company
On behalf of Daniel Watkins of Watkins Firm, A Professional Corporation posted on Friday, October 11, 2013. As sustainable energy is becoming more of a realistic choice in solving energy issues, new companies hoping to provide such energy sources are establishing. Of course, in order for these businesses to succeed, funding and investments from...
California joint venture brings surgical care home
On behalf of Daniel Watkins of Watkins Firm, A Professional Corporation posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2013. Ambulatory refers to outpatient care, something that can lean towards faster recovery. Being able to remain comfortably at home during recovery is something that a hospital cannot provide. This is why ambulatory surgery is becoming even more...
Joint venture seeks domestic and international clientele
On behalf of Daniel Watkins of Watkins Firm, A Professional Corporation posted on Friday, August 17, 2012. Joint ventures are entered into for many reasons and a primary reason is to increase value. Recently, two large companies, that are well-known in their respective industries, announced their future plans to create a joint venture. The joint...
Energy, optics companies announce joint venture in San Diego
On behalf of Daniel Watkins of Watkins Firm, A Professional Corporation posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2011. In a move that signals more hope for affordable renewable energy sources in the United States, a French semiconductor company that produces concentrating photovoltaic solar products has announced a joint venture with Reflexite Energy Solutions to make lenses...
California joint venture to create legal online poker game
On behalf of Daniel Watkins of Watkins Firm, A Professional Corporation posted on Friday, June 24, 2011. Five years ago, President George W. Bush outlawed online gambling. However, it is expected that new legislation will allow states to regulate online gambling in their jurisdictions. In anticipation of these new changes in the law, the online...
Carlyle Sets Up Joint Venture to Invest in Chinese Shipping
On behalf of Daniel Watkins of Watkins Firm, A Professional Corporation posted on Tuesday, March 15, 2011. The Carlyle Group, the private equity giant, has just announced a five billion dollar joint venture that will buy shipping vessels and related assets in China. The other parties to the deal are Tiger Group Investments, Washington Family, the Seaspan Corporation and Seaspan executives Gerry Wang...