Starting a New Company in California

Are you working on starting a new company in California? California is one of the most challenging states in which to do business, especially if you intend to be an employer. What is the best structure for your new company, and why is it important to reach out to the...

Why Isn’t Every Small California Business an LLC

Why isn’t every small California business an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation)?  A Limited Liability Corporation or LLC may be the right entity for most solo owner or small business and service industry companies. However, simply assuming that an LLC is the right choice and moving forward without effective legal counsel...

Forming a New San Diego Corporation

If you are forming a new San Diego corporation or are already in business and working to add a new entity to your group you are keenly aware of all costs surrounding the venture.  Think for a moment about all of the time, energy, money and resources you are pouring...

The Secret of Forming a New Company in San Diego

What is the secret of forming a new company in San Diego or anywhere in California?  Many of the most expensive and destructive lawsuits your company can face down the road are actually internal disputes between owners, shareholders, members or investors. Are You Thinking of Disputes Down the Road When...

Select the Right Entity for Your New Company

Why is it important to select the right entity for your new company?  Starting a business in San Diego or anywhere in California is an exciting time.  In most cases, the entrepreneur or future owners are trying to keep costs down while doing everything possible to get their business up...