Why do you need a lawyer for a San Diego asset purchase? When should you contact an experienced and proven California asset purchase lawyer at the Watkins Firm? Any time you intend to purchase another company’s inventory, equipment, real estate, customer base, production lines, vehicles, technology or other assets you...
Sound Legal Counsel for a Stock Purchase Agreement
The Watkins Firm provides sound legal counsel for a stock purchase agreement here in San Diego or anywhere in California. One of the most common ways to acquire a company and all of it’s contracts and assets is a stock purchase. A stock purchase is quite complex from a legal...
Experienced California Stock Purchase Lawyer
Are you searching for an experienced California stock purchase lawyer for a merger or acquisition? A stock purchase is much more legally and financially complex than a simple asset purchase. When should you use a stock purchase agreement for your corporation? How can the Mergers and Acquisitions attorneys at the...
Experienced Attorneys for Mergers and Acquisitions in San Diego
Are you searching for experienced attorneys for mergers and acquisitions in San Diego and Southern California? The quality, experience and proven track record of your business attorney is important when a purchase and sale agreement must cover complex sales transactions such as those involving commercial real estate, business assets or...
Mergers and Acquisitions Help a Company to Grow
Mergers and acquisitions help a company to grow and expand into new markets. The experienced mergers and acquisitions attorneys at the Watkins Firm can help you to develop a successful strategy. How can an asset purchase help to grow your business while preventing exposure to contingent liabilities? An asset purchase...
How to Structure An Asset Purchase
The experienced mergers and acquisitions attorneys at the Watkins Firm can help your management team to understand how to structure an asset purchase transaction in order to grow your San Diego business while protecting against unexpected liabilities. What is an Asset Purchase? An asset purchase agreement is a powerful strategy...
Is This a Good Time for Mergers and Acquisitions
Is this a good time for mergers and acquisitions in San Diego and throughout California? Mergers and acquisitions activity took a big hit during the economic uncertainties going back to the pandemic, but economic conditions are stable and many say improving. The San Diego mergers and acquisitions attorneys at the...
Can You Use an Asset Purchase to Buy an Existing Business
Can you use an asset purchase to buy an existing business? How are most acquisitions accomplished in San Diego and across California? The asset purchase is the most effective tool for reducing risk and contingent liabilities associated with an acquisition or merger with an existing business. The other option is...
When is a Stock Purchase Better Than an Asset Purchase?
When is a stock purchase better than an asset purchase? The primary advantage is a stock purchase agreement allows you to take controlling interest in or buy an entire corporation. Legally, it’s like “stepping into the shoes of the seller.” If the company you wish to acquire is an LLC...