How Do Employment Contracts Prevent Wage and Hour Litigation

How do employment contracts prevent wage and hour litigation in San Diego and throughout California?  How can our employee handbook, policies and procedures and the employment contract itself work together to facilitate a relationship of productivity and work success? There has never been a higher number of employee related disputes...

San Diego Minimum Wage Rates for 2023 Now In Effect

The new Minimum Wage rates for 2023 have taken effect across the State of California.  The California minimum wage increased January 1, 2023 to $15.50 per hour for ALL EMPLOYERS .  In the past there were different minimum wage rates depending upon the number of employees.  This differential has been...

Employment Contracts are Important Business Documents

California Courts tend to favor the employee when an employment dispute arises between an employer and one of their workers.  This is why well crafted employment contracts are important business documents and a vital component in any effective San Diego business strategy.  The employer defense and business contract attorneys at...

New Federal Overtime Rules Modify Eligibility as Well as Income

The US Department of Labor has released updated regulations relating to overtime pay for more than 4 million American workers.  The new federal overtime rules modify eligibility as well as the income threshold for qualification.  Under the new overtime guidelines, almost all workers who earn less than $913 per week...

New Federal Overtime Laws Expected to Be Released

The rash of unpaid overtime lawsuits in California recently is about to become even more complex with the highly anticipated release of new federal overtime laws expected in the immediate future.  Many San Diego employers are concerned about the impact of these regulations and how they will impact how companies...

Present Overtime Rules Are About to Significantly Change

The present minimum hourly / salary minimums for exemption from overtime are expected to substantially change this week as new federal overtime rules are released.  Presently, a managerial, executive or professional worker who earns more than $23,660 annually could be exempted from overtime pay if they work more than 40...