What is a Registered Agent for a San Diego LLC or Corporation

Registered Agent for a San Diego LLC or Corporation

What is a registered agent for a San Diego LLC or Corporation.  All San Diego businesses must have a “Registered Agent” for their LLC, S-Corporation or C-Corporation.  A corporate entity cannot, by law, legally receive paperwork related to the business.  They are an entity.  Legal paperwork must be received by an “agent” – an actual person who is able to sign for the receipt of important paperwork such as service papers, or forms and correspondence by agencies such as the IRS, California tax agencies or the California Secretary of State.

Your registered agent for a San Diego LLC or Corporation must have a street address within California.  This is where documents may be served upon your LLC or corporation during regular business hours.  California law requires every company to have a registered agent for a San Diego LLC or corporation.

The Watkins Firm has served the San Diego corporate community for decades, and we are the registered agent for thousands of San Diego area LLCs, S Corporations and C Corporations.  If you have not established an independent registered agent for your corporation it is important to contact us or call us immediately at 858-535-1511.

As your business and corporate attorneys we are also able to extend the protections of the “attorney-client privilege” in any legal matter, such as those where service to a registered agent may apply.  We scan and forward any documents served or delivered to us as your registered agent.

In addition, our clients value our general business counsel informed by decades of experience across San Diego and Southern California.  We help our clients to fulfill all governance and compliance to protect the integrity of the corporate veil.  These valuable protections help to preserve all of your rights and protect your business entity, while fulfilling the compliance regulations of California law.