Closing a San Diego LLC or Business

Closing a San Diego LLC

What steps are required to close a San Diego LLC or business?  How can a business owner ensure that every necessary action and responsibility has been taken and fulfilled?  If you are considering closing a San Diego business or LLC we invite you to call us at 858-535-1511 for a free and substantive consultation.  The lawyers at the Watkins Firm have been serving the local business community for several decades.  We have helped to many business owners and LLCs to bring their operations to a close, while protecting the owners and placing them in the best position possible to move forward with their next opportunity.

There are many too many steps in the process of closing a San Diego LLC or local business to list them all in this format.  Generally speaking, you have to ensure that a business hasn’t been “suspended” or “forfeited” according to the State of California.  If so, the LLC or corporate entity may need to be “revived.”  There are numerous documents and tax returns that must be completed and submitted.  All outstanding disputes and litigation, debts and liabilities must be resolved, paid or discharged and remaining profits are distributed based upon the corporate documents or operating agreement.  This is not a process to go through alone.  As a business person, you want to make sure every action has been correctly taken and completed, so that your personal responsibility and liability ends.  Allow the attorneys at the Watkins Firm to guide you through this process and protect your interests and objectives.

The Watkins Firm has served the San Diego business community for decades.  Closing a San Diego LLC or business properly ensures that you as an owner are protected from future contingent liabilities and taxes.  Learn more, and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 today for a free consultation.