Defend a Professional License in San Diego

Defend a Professional License in San Diego - License Defense Attorneys

You need help to defend a professional license in San Diego?  Your professional license is central to you livelihood.  You have trained for years to acquire knowledge and build upon it each year.  Now something has happened to raise questions about your professional license.  You need an experienced San Diego professional license defense firm to stand with you and protect your interests.

There are many events in a professional’s practice and life which can call their license into question.  It can be an isolated event such as a DUI or criminal charges.  It may encompass questions of alcohol or substance abuse or mental health.  It can be the result of a patient, client or any other individual or entity which has questions regarding their experience with your professional work.

In order to defend a professional license in San Diego the experienced legal team at the Watkins Firm will work to surface and investigate the matter at hand and the allegations you may face.  The licensing agency or board who controls your license will conduct their own investigation and perhaps hold a hearing on the matter.

You do not want to defend a professional license in San Diego on your own.  We work to prepare a solid defense and to help develop a strategy to mitigate what has happened and take proactive steps to resolve the central issues as well as the matter at hand.

You may face disciplinary action, or perhaps a formal action such as a suspension.  In serious matters the agency or board may seek to revoke your professional license altogether.

We invite you to contact the Watkins Firm or call today for a private, confidential and complimentary consultation at 858-535-1511.  Learn all we can do to defend a professional license in San Diego and protect all you’ve worked so hard to build.  We can provide insight into how to manage what has happened and a detailed plan of all we can do to help you.