Resolving Business Disputes Between Partners and LLC Members

Resolving Business Disputes Between Partners and LLC Members

Resolving business disputes between partners and LLC members requires experienced, skilled San Diego business attorneys.  When a dispute arises between business partners or members of an LLC it can have a tremendous impact on the day-to-day operations of the company and ultimately the long-term success of the venture.

The experienced business litigation and dispute resolution attorneys at the Watkins Firm take a unique approach to resolving business disputes between partners and LLC members.  Watkins Firm attorneys work with our clients to establish specific goals regarding the dispute.  Most of these disputes are resolved through negotiation.  Our attorneys understand the importance of the underlying relationships as well as the ongoing nature of the business itself.  We work to create an environment which is conducive to resolving the dispute(s) at hand while repairing the relationship between the parties whenever possible.

Resolving business disputes between partners and LLC members may require settling the case through mediation or arbitration.  Mediation is a more informal environment where the parties work with an experienced and neutral third party mediator.  The mediator helps to clarify the issues on the table and works with the parties and their legal counsel to identify potential solutions.  Your Watkins Firm attorney provides sound counsel during this process and works to provide positive input and influence to ensure any potential resolution reflects our client’s goals and desired outcome.

We also represent clients in arbitration.  Arbitration is a much more formally structured legal venue which is designed to ensure the matter is brought to a resolution in a short period of time.  There is much less flexibility for the parties in an arbitration, and potentially less control and influence on the outcome.  The findings of the arbitrator are final, and cannot be appealed except in extreme cases of collusion or other impropriety.  You can rely upon our extensive skill and arbitration experience as we seek a just outcome in your case.

This is why it is so important to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.  Learn how our experienced team helps to resolve business disputes between partners and LLC members quickly and effectively.