A Proven General Counsel for Your San Diego Company

A Proven General Counsel for Your San Diego Company - Business Law

Are you searching for a proven general counsel for your San Diego company or corporation?  The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of experience as San Diego business attorneys serving as effective general counsel for San Diego business owners.

What is a General Counsel?

What is a general counsel?  As general counsel, we advise business owners and corporate managers, officers and directors on all aspects of business operations including, but not limited to:

In effect, our proven general counsel for your San Diego company serves as your business coach.  We provide advice and counsel to help your corporation or entity to avoid the traps and pitfalls that have disrupted other companies like yours.  What is the difference between the majority of businesses that fail and those few who not only survive but thrive?  The answer lies in the experience of knowing which decisions to make and what strategies to avoid in order to reduce distractions and conflict while completing successful transactions and enjoying profitable business relationships.

How can a Proven General Counsel for Your San Diego Company Increase Your Business Success?

As the proven general business counsel for your San Diego company the Watkins Firm will help to protect your corporate entity while positioning you to leverage many new business opportunities.  Corporate officers, directors, owners and managers must keep abreast of the changing federal, state and local laws and regulations.

The Watkins Firm will help you to consistently implement, teach, monitor and enforce internal policies and procedures while creating the documentation that protects your business in the event of disputes or litigation.  We help you to ensure that every member of your company understands how to represent your company legally and to conduct your company’s business in accordance with standard legal business practices.

We represent clients in mergers and acquisitions including an asset purchase, stock purchase, merger or joint venture.  These legally and financially complex business transactions are fraught with both risk and opportunity.  The keys to these transactions are battle-tested, proven contracts, due diligence and sound advice and counsel.  Ask about our experience in literally thousands of these transactions across more than 40 years of service to the San Diego business and medical / healthcare communities.

A Proven General Counsel For Your San Diego Company Resolves Disputes Quickly and Efficiently

A proven general counsel for your San Diego company resolves business disputes and lawsuits quickly and efficiently.  The Watkins Firm applies it’s unique approach to managing disagreements that is specifically designed to accomplish our client’s objectives quickly and in a cost-effective manner.

It may surprise you to learn that the Watkins Firm resolves the vast majority of our business dispute cases through effective, leveraged negotiation.  This is the fastest and least expensive strategy to accomplish our client’s goals.

We represent our business clients in every phase of negotiation, mediation, arbitration or business litigation.  As the general counsel for your San Diego company we ultimately help you to position your business for growth and success while protecting your transactions and business relationships.

If you are looking a proven general counsel for your San Diego company we invite you to review our Podcast Episode 10 – The Importance of a Strong Corporate Attorney as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.