Closing Your San Diego Business or LLC

Has the time come to consider closing your San Diego business or LLC?  Have you accomplished your goals and is it time to move on to the next opportunity?  Have recent developments and changes in the marketplace brought unforeseen challenges?  What are the steps to dissolve an LLC or close...

Solving San Diego Partnership Disputes

Solving San Diego partnership disputes involves a negotiated settlement in the vast majority of our cases locally. What are the most effective steps to resolving any business-related dispute? Our Unique Approach to Business disputes What is the Watkins Firm unique approach to business disputes and lawsuits here in San Diego?   Partnership...

Resolve Your Neighbor Boundary Dispute

As an experienced real estate lawyer I can tell you that one of the most common inquiries we get is how to resolve your neighbor boundary dispute.  Our firm has handled a lot of boundary dispute cases over the years, and many clients are surprised by how legally complex they...

Resolving a Business Contract Dispute in San Diego

Resolving a business contract dispute in San Diego in the shortest possible timeframe and with the least amount of expenditure is often the goal of our business clients in San Diego and throughout Southern California.  What is the right strategy to accomplish this?  Where Does the Conversation With Our Clients...