What is the relationship between a business contract and business litigation?  What can you learn from a San Diego business contract and business litigation attorney with more than 40 years of experience? The Problem With Form Contracts and Download Sites The structure and elements of any  commercial or business contract structure absolutely affects the likelihood […]

During the normal course of the life of a San Diego or California corporation, it is necessary to modify or update a corporate Shareholders’ Agreement each year or so. This can arise from a number of developments including: Updates to accommodate changes in California, local or federal laws to ensure corporate compliance Bring discrepancies between […]

The experienced business litigation and business dispute resolution attorneys at the Watkins Firm provide sound insight and counsel when resolving a dispute between the members of your LLC (Limited Liability Company).  We take a unique approach to disputes between members of an LLC which is designed to get to the core of the issue(s) at […]

As an experienced real estate lawyer I can tell you that one of the most commonly litigated issues in San Diego real estate involves a boundary dispute between neighbors.  Our firm has handled a lot of boundary dispute cases over the years, and many clients are surprised by how legally complex they can be. Pro-tip: […]

Why it important to get your business contracts from a business attorney?  Shouldn’t an experienced business attorney craft your business contracts?  How can the proprietary library of proven, battle-tested contracts, corporate documents and due diligence checklists add protections while proving to be cost-effective when compared with forms from a download site? Sure, you can download […]

Licensing and distribution expand business opportunities and increase profitability as you reach new vertical and geographic markets and customers.  The San Diego business attorneys at the Watkins Firm apply our 40+ years of experience and legal skill to guide you efficiently through each step of the process. What are Licensing and Distribution?  How are They […]

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