What do you need to know about buying a business in San Diego and how can you best protect your interests? Buying a business requires the advice and counsel of a skilled and experienced San Diego mergers and acquisition (often referred to as “M & A”) attorney.
The business acquisition attorneys at the Watkins Firm have more than four decades of experience in asset purchase and stock purchase transactions. We can help you to accomplish your goals while protecting you from unforeseen liabilities. The key to these transactions is supporting the cooperative and positive working environment between the parties while working to ensure our client’s interests are protected and maximized.
The Difference Between an Asset Purchase and a Stock Purchase
An asset purchase offers much less risk to a buyer. Asset purchase transactions allow you to buy most of the business or just the assets you need. In these transactions we ensure that all aspects of the assets to be acquired are known and incorporated into the transaction. Clear title to all assets must be assured. We also work to accomplish due diligence to ascertain the present condition or state of the assets and that the seller has properly disclosed all known defects or issues. Your mergers and acquisitions attorneys at the Watkins Firm works to research and identify and all associated debts, UCC forms and other encumbrances which may cloud the clear title to the assets in question.
If you are intent on purchasing the entire company this is usually accomplished through a stock purchase agreement. This allows you to “step into the shoes” of the owner. The financial and business risks associated with these transactions are too numerous to list here.
The key to a successful stock purchase lies in substantial and effective due diligence and strong acquisition contracts. The Watkins Firm provides our clients with proven, battle-tested due diligence checklists and purchase contracts from our proprietary library. We have literally completed thousands of these transactions and know the keys to locking in value while protecting our clients at every step of the process.
We work to ensure all financials are verified and to establish appropriate inspections and set-asides for unknown future liabilities. How do you ensure you are paying a fair price? How will you lock in key employees and crucial customers and suppliers?
It is also an optimal practice to ensure that the seller maintains an active role during the transition to ensure that all customer Goodwill and existing relationships and vendors are successfully transferred.
You Need an Experienced San Diego M & A Attorney when Buying a Business in San Diego
Are you buying a business in San Diego or Southern California? If you are considering buying an existing business you will need the supping services and advice of an experienced, proven M & A attorney from the Watkins Firm. We invite you to review our podcast Episode 13 – Mergers and Acquisitions as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation