Resolving a Business Dispute in San Diego Efficiently

Are you looking for an attorney with proven strategies for resolving a business dispute efficiently in San Diego or Southern California?  The Watkins Firm has provided decades of service to the San Diego business community.  We are small business people ourselves.  We understand the importance of resolving business disputes before...

Resolving Business Disputes Between Partners and LLC Members

Resolving business disputes between partners and LLC members requires experienced, skilled San Diego business attorneys.  When a dispute arises between business partners or members of an LLC it can have a tremendous impact on the day-to-day operations of the company and ultimately the long-term success of the venture. The experienced...

Efficiently Resolving San Diego Business Contract Disputes

Efficiently resolving San Diego business contract disputes requires a unique approach focused upon proven timely, cost-effective strategies.  Our unique approach to business contract disputes is specifically designed to resolve the matter quickly and in a cost-effective manner.  We begin by establishing clear objectives and outcomes based upon the goals of...

A Partnership Dispute Can Threaten Your San Diego Company

A partnership dispute can threaten your San Diego company and its profitability.  A partnership dispute affects not only the working environment within your company, it overshadows every aspect of conducting business transactions and ensuring the short and long term prosperity of your organization. A partnership dispute can arise for many...

Cost Containment in a San Diego Business Dispute

How do manage cost containment in a San Diego business dispute while accomplishing your goals and objectives?  What is the fastest and least expensive strategy for resolving any San Diego business dispute? The Watkins Firm has decades of experience serving the San Diego business community and successfully resolving disputes and...

Steps to Resolve Business to Business Disputes

There are four primary steps to resolve business to business disputes in San Diego: Negotiation Mediation Arbitration Trial   The Watkins Firm attorneys have decades of experience resolving business to business disputes.  We take a unique approach to litigation which is designed to resolve a dispute or lawsuit in the...

The Process to Resolve Contract Disputes in San Diego

What is a proven process to resolve contract disputes in San Diego and how can you accomplish your goals in a timely and cost-effective manner?  This question forms the basis for the Watkins Firm’s unique strategy for resolution of business and individual contract disputes.  Our approach to these challenges is...

Dispute Between San Diego Business Owners

How can you resolve a dispute between San Diego business owners without disrupting the ongoing operations of the company itself?  When owner members of an LLC or business partners become involved in a dispute it can affect every aspect of the underlying business.  If there are other employees, the company...