Risks Associated with a Stock Purchase Transaction

What are the risks associated with a stock purchase transaction and how should you protect yourself?  A stock purchase agreement is the contract document which governs the acquisition of a corporation through a stock purchase.  This important document not only transfers the title and sale of the shares of the...

Successful Strategies When Buying a Business in San Diego

What are some proven successful strategies when buying a business in San Diego and how can you protect your interests?  Buying a business requires legal experience and extensive legal skill.  The business acquisition attorneys at the Watkins Firm have more than four decades of experience in Asset Purchase and Stock Purchase transactions....

Growing Through a Merger or Acquisition

Are you anticipating a substantial business transaction and growing through a merger or acquisition?  Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A) generate new opportunities for business growth in San Diego and across regional, national and international markets. The Two Primary Tools of M & A The two primary tools for the...

Do you Need an Asset Purchase or Stock Purchase

Are you acquiring a business or it’s assets? Do you need an asset purchase or a stock purchase to complete the transaction at hand, and an which one is the better vehicle?  They are two completely different business acquisition strategies, and they are employed to accomplish differing objectives. What is...

Prepare to Sell Your San Diego Business

What is the process to prepare to sell your San Diego business?  California business owners should understand the important steps to take when preparing to sell a business in San Diego or Southern California.  Establishing and proving your company’s value to potential purchasers can be a daunting task, but with...

Proven Mergers and Acquisitions Attorneys

Are you searching for proven mergers and acquisitions attorneys for your San Diego stock purchase transaction?  Are you buying or selling a company?  The mergers and acquisitions attorneys at the Watkins Firm have represented business owners and those purchasing an entity through many asset purchase and  stock purchase transactions over...

An Asset Purchase Transaction Reduces Risk

An asset purchase transaction reduces risk and protects you from liability when acquiring the assets of another company.  An asset purchase is quite often a better option for a buyer when compared to a stock purchase agreement. The simple reason: liability. The Watkins Firm has more than 40 years of...

Experienced Attorney for a Merger or Acquisition

Why do you need an experienced attorney for a merger or acquisition in San Diego or Southern California?  Savvy business owners understand mergers and acquisitions are proven strategies for growth in San Diego. “Thousands of Mergers and Acquisitions” The experienced business attorneys at the Watkins Firm have served the San...