Closing Your San Diego Business or LLC Due to COVID-19

Closing Your San Diego Business or LLC Due to COVID-19

Has the time come to consider closing your San Diego business or LLC due to COVID-19?  Have you accomplished your goals and is it time to move on to the next opportunity?  Have recent developments and changes in the marketplace brought unforeseen challenges?  What are the steps to dissolve an LLC or close a corporation?

Many business professionals wish to simply put their head down and walk away, but this leaves you exposed to personal liabilities and potential lawsuits.  There is a process to dissolve an LLC or a corporation while closing your San Diego business or LLC due to COVID-19.  The experienced attorneys at the Watkins Firm will work with you through each step in the process.  Together, we will ensure that all actions are taken to legally close the doors of your business or project, and prevent future exposure to collections, liabilities or lawsuits.

We help you to marshall all assets and document existing liabilities.  We work to ensure that monies are properly disbursed based upon legal priority and secured preference.  If liabilities exist, we can negotiate with creditors and vendors to reduce or eliminate your liability and to resolve outstanding balances so that the business can be closed.  There are forms that must be filed with several agencies, tax forms to be completed and submitted and final reporting to those who have an interest in the LLC or corporation.

In most cases, closing your San Diego business or LLC due to COVID-19 is quite emotionally challenging and draining.  We help to make the process as light as possible, and can share the benefit of our experience across decades here in San Diego.  There are other opportunities, and good business people move on to other accomplishments and ventures.

If you are considering closing your San Diego business or LLC we invite you to call for a free and substantive consultation at 858-535-1511.  Learn about the process to dissolve your company and protect yourself in the process, so that your are best positioned to move forward to seize the next opportunity.