Common Issues Which can Risk Your Nursing License in California

What are some of the most common issues which can risk your nursing license in California?  The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) is responsible for licensing and disciplinary investigations and actions related to nurses.  Nurses in California (and in every other state) are required to acquire and maintain a professional license.

For most workers, if they make a mistake or simply underperform at their job, the worst thing that can happen is to be fired from that position.  They are free to immediately try to go get another job.

A nursing license is the key to everything for a working California nurse.  When a nurse makes a serious of mistakes, faces criminal charges (such as a DUI or domestic violence accusation) or develops an addiction they face a lot more than losing their job.  They could lose their nursing license.

It is important to understand your responsibilities as a nurse as well as some of the common issues which can risk your nursing license in California.  Issues with alcohol and/or drug abuse or addiction are one of the most common reasons for issues associated with a California medical professional license.  There may be an opportunity for diversion or rehabilitation.  Crimes related to theft, distribution or other charges associated with medications or pharmaceuticals can end a nursing career.

Patient care is obviously important to any nurse.  Professional nurses strive to provide the best care possible in the most trying of circumstances.  You need look no further than the present challenges associated with the pandemic.  Nursing professionals are stretched thin and patients who face their own stresses and challenges are more likely to complain.  The failure to document everything you do, comply with all regulations such as HIPAA or making mistakes resulting in accusations of falsifying patient records are some of the other common issues which can risk your nursing license in California.

If you have received a letter of investigation, an offer for diversion or an Accusation from the BRN you need to take immediate action and contact an experienced nursing license defense attorney at the Watkins Firm.  We invite you to contact us or call today for a free consultation at 858-535-1511.  If you don’t respond and mount a defense your nursing license is at risk.  Failure to respond at all will result in an assumption that any accusation(s) are true immediately leading to disciplinary action and/or the revocation of your nursing license.

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.