Defending a Nurses License in San Diego

Defending a Nurses License in San Diego - License Defense Attorney

Are you searching for an experienced attorney with a track record of success defending a nurses license in San Diego?  The Watkins Firm has served the Southern California and San Diego healthcare industry and medical practice community for decades.  Our professional license defense attorneys are prepared to put the power of our firm and our legal skill behind your case to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

Have you been notified of an investigation by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN)?  Are you facing accusations which might result in the suspension or revocation of your nurses license?  Share your story with us and we will work together to develop a strategy to manage this challenge and protect your nursing license. We invite you to contact the Watkins Firm today or call right now for a free, confidential and private consultation at 858-535-1511.

It may surprise you to learn how many California nurses face some form of disciplinary action each year.  It is not uncommon for our nurses to have to deal with accusations associated with alcohol, drug addiction or mental health issues.  Perhaps something has happened or a complaint has come in from a patient or healthcare agency.  We will help you to understand the process of defending a nurses license in San Diego and work with you to develop a strategy to manage each step, mount an aggressive defense, develop a strategy to mitigate the situation and provide additional exculpatory evidence.

You will only have a few days (15 days from the date the BRN generates the letter) to respond to any accusation or request for an interview.  You do not want to handle this alone and it will not simply go away.  You can place your confidence in our experience defending a nurses license in San Diego and know that we will represent you at every step.  We will tell the story of your contributions, of the trust and confidence of those professionals you work with and the steps taken to address what has happened.  Most actions are not taken with the intent of depriving you of your nursing license.  The Watkins Firm will stand with you to help tell your story, provide the evidence of why the BRN can have confidence in you going forward while seeking the best possible outcome in your case.

It’s time to take immediate action and contact the Watkins Firm today or call right now for a free, confidential and private consultation at 858-535-1511.