Defending Wage and Hour and PAGA Class Action Lawsuits

Defending Wage and Hour and PAGA Class Action Lawsuits - San Diego

Are you searching for San Diego attorneys with a proven track record defending wage and hour and PAGA class action lawsuits?  The Watkins Firm has decades of experience defending wage and hour class action lawsuits and other business litigation in San Diego for decades.  Wage and hour class action lawsuits and PAGA actions represent a significant financial risk which may threaten the viability of your company.  Our experienced and proven employer defense and class action attorneys work to prevent the certification of a class and protect our clients from the potentially devastating exposure created by a class action lawsuit.

Areas of Exposure in Wage and Hour and PAGA Actions

The Private Attorneys General Act or PAGA act encourages employees to act as a “proxy” for the State of California in order to recover funds for the state from our employers.  PAGA actions are especially risky as they provide an opportunity to bypass existing arbitration clauses in employment contracts.  PAGA also provides the opportunity to involve other employees in order to grow the class (and your resulting exposure).

There are several potential areas of exposure for San Diego employers under federal and state wage and hour laws.  These include but are not limited to:

  • Unpaid Overtime
  • Minimum Wage Violations
  • Commissions Disputes
  • Meal and Rest Breaks
  • Donning & Doffing Issues
  • Uniforms


Plaintiff’s Lawyers Actively Advertise for These Cases

Plaintiff’s lawyers actively advertise for these cases.  The reason – BIG MONEY.  When plaintiff’s lawyers hear of an issue within your company related to a wage and hour claim it is in their financial interest to fan the flame and attempt to create a lucrative “class” of cases against your company.  They urge their client to contact their former workers and even those who are still under your employ in an attempt to garner a large number of allegedly similar cases.  The plaintiff’s attorneys will next approach the court and present “representative cases” which they assert represent a huge class of plaintiffs with similar lawsuits.

Defending Wage and Hour and PAGA Class Action Lawsuits Requires Immediate Action

Defending these claims requires immediate action on the part of any employer.  The second you even begin to hear about or suspect an issue or dispute with an employee you need to contact the experienced employer defense attorneys at the Watkins Firm.  The fastest way to either resolve a dispute entirely or to substantially limit associated risk and financial exposure is to get our experienced, proven legal team working on mitigating existing issues and taking action to resolve the matter.

Our experienced class action attorneys have significant and proven experience defending wage and hour and PAGA class action lawsuits in San Diego and across Southern California.  We work to dismantle the class allegations contained within the plaintiff’s case.  We work to prove the “representative cases” are actually quite different and therefore no class action exists.  We diffuse the common nature of the class which removes the incentive for a plaintiff’s attorney to move forward with the case.  We work with our clients to prove existing policies and procedures and their consistent application make the foundations of the lawsuit untenable.

If you are a San Diego employer looking for local attorneys with experience defending wage and hour and PAGA class action lawsuits in San Diego we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.