Do You Need a Proven San Diego Mediation and Arbitration Attorney

Do You Need a Proven San Diego Mediation and Arbitration Attorney

Are you searching for a proven San Diego mediation and arbitration attorney?  The Watkins Firm has served the San Diego business community for decades.  Our experienced business litigation attorneys have an extensive successful track record of resolving business disputes and representing our clients in mediation or arbitration.

Tools for Resolving a San Diego Business Dispute

A large percentage of business related disputes will require mediation as a tool for resolving the issue(s) at hand.  Arbitration is one of the legal remedies specified in many business contracts.  It is important to understand the basic differences between mediation and arbitration.  Each legal venue has advantages and disadvantages.  Your experienced Watkins Firm attorney will guide you through the challenges at hand and provide sound counsel as you evaluate your options to resolve a business dispute.

What is the Difference Between Mediation and Arbitration?

Both mediation and arbitration involve the participation of a neutral third party who guides the parties through their dispute.  Mediation is a much less formal environment.  The mediator works with each party to understand their perspective and concerns and to get to the core issue(s) associated with the dispute.  The mediator works with each party and their legal counsel to identify options and ultimately craft a resolution which resolves part or all of the dispute.  Neither party is bound or obligated to implement the recommendations of the mediator or to reach an agreement which will resolve the dispute.  Mediation is a confidential environment, and the conversations, communications and positions taken in mediation cannot be brought into any subsequent proceeding.

Arbitration is designed to ensure the matter is resolved in a fairly short time frame.  The neutral arbiter has much more authority.  Arbitration does incorporate many legal standards without many of the motions or legal maneuvers which delay things in a normal trial.  The arbiter can interview witnesses, collect evidence and ultimately issues a “decision” which resolves the dispute.  The decision of an arbiter is final and cannot be appealed except in rare cases of fraud or collusion.

You Need a Proven San Diego Mediation and Arbitration Attorney

If you are involved in any form of business dispute or litigation you need a proven San Diego mediation and arbitration attorney.  You attorney’s ability to successfully resolve a business dispute in cost-effective and timely manner saves a substantial amount of money while protecting your interests.

If you are searching for legal representation and a proven San Diego mediation and arbitration attorney we invite you to consider the Watkins Firm.  Contact us or call 858-535-1511 for a free consultation to discuss your case and the services our experienced attorneys can provide to bring a successful resolution to your business dispute or litigation.