Effective San Diego Business Litigation Attorneys

Effective San Diego Business Litigation Attorneys - Mediation - Arbitration

Are you searching for effective San Diego business litigation attorneys?  What are the ingredients of a successfully resolved business dispute?  What should you be looking for in order to resolve your dispute quickly and efficiently while accomplishing your goals and objectives?

A Surprising Fact

Here is a surprising fact which might alter your decision tree: the Watkins Firm is able to resolve the vast majority of our business-to-business disputes and lawsuits through effective and leveraged negotiation.  This is the fastest and least expensive strategy to resolve a business dispute while accomplishing our client’s goals and objectives.

The reality is a majority of business lawsuits never see the inside of a San Diego courtroom.  They should be settled prior to trial or resolved with the assistance of business mediation or arbitration.   The experienced business litigation attorneys at the Watkins Firm are uniquely positioned to represent your business in every phase of a business dispute.  Our unique approach to litigation is designed to resolve business disputes and lawsuits in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-effective manner.

However, it is our extensive, proven track record at trial that adds genuine power and strength to your side of the equation.  Opposing parties and their counsel know we are fully prepared to take any matter to trial and win. Most parties are not prepared for the time, cost or contingent liabilities of a trial. This fact actually helps drive the dispute to a faster, more efficient resolution.

Mastery of the Chronology of Events and the Damages

Business lawsuits are all about damages, and the experienced lawyers at the Watkins Firm work to efficiently develop a thorough, detailed chronology of events and a mastery of the potential damages associated with your case.  We use this leverage to gain the attention of opposing counsel and open focused and productive negotiations.

While the vast majority of our business-to-business disputes and lawsuits are resolved through effective and leveraged negotiation there are matters of principled disagreement.  There are also opposing parties with, shall we say, “different perspectives.”

Business Mediation and Arbitration

Your effective San Diego business litigation attorneys from the Watkins Firm continue to represent your interests in mediation and arbitration when necessary.  Mediation is a confidential and private legal venue that keeps your business and financial interests and information out of the public record.  Mediation allows your Watkins Firm counsel to maintain a strong level of influence over the ultimate outcome while drawing on the experience of a seasoned mediator to guide the process.  The goal of mediation is a successful settlement agreement.

Many contracts specify arbitration to resolve disputes.  Arbitration has much more of a legal structure requiring extensive legal skill and trial experience in order to effectively and successfully present your case.  The process will be streamlined to marshal evidence and collect witness testimony in a matter of days in order to allow the arbitrator to conclude the matter within a few weeks.

The decision of the arbitrator in business mediation is final and cannot be appealed.  This is why the quality and experience of your Watkins Firm attorney(s) will really matter.

Your effective San Diego business litigation attorneys from the Watkins Firm are able to represent you in effective negotiations, mediation, arbitration or at trial.  However, due to our proven, successful strategies and skill business to business lawsuits are often resolved through negotiation and brought to a timely and cost-efficient conclusion. We invite you to review our Podcast Episodes 11 and 12 – Resolving Business Disputes (Parts 1 and 2) as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.