Employer Defense Lawyer in San Diego

Employer Defense Lawyer in San Diego - California Labor Board - PAGA

Are you searching for an experienced, proven employer defense lawyer in San Diego and Southern California?  The Watkins Firm has more than 40 years of experience advising and providing employer defense for area employers of all sizes.  California is the most challenging state in which to be an employer and you need the advice, counsel, support and legal services of a law firm you can depend upon as an employer.

Employer Defense Begins With a Good Offense

Your employer defense lawyer in San Diego from the Watkins Firm will help you to establish, implement and/or update your first layer of defense: the employment contract, employee handbook and your policies and procedures.  These important documents establish the foundation of how the employer/employee relationship is to be managed, measured, rewarded, improved or terminated.

The employment contract is a crucial document.  It establishes the legal foundation for work in California.  It provides required notifications of many legal issues and establishes how the relationship between employer and employee is to be conducted.  Recent changes regarding arbitration require consideration of an arbitration agreement as part of the onboarding process.

Defense of San Diego Employers In Front of the California Labor Board

The defense of San Diego employers before the California Labor Board informal and formal hearings protects our clients in wage and hour and unpaid overtime disputes.  When an employee files a complaint with the California Department of Industrial Relations or some other agency, the California Labor Board will schedule an “informal hearing” to provide both parties with an opportunity to address the dispute and provide initial facts.  Many California and San Diego employers underestimate this informal hearing.  This hearing establishes an indelible first impression with the Labor Board.  It is important to be well represented and organized as you head into this first hearing.

The experienced wage and hour attorneys at the Watkins Firm work to provide our clients with cutting edge techniques and strategies to prevent wage and hour and overtime related disputes.  When an employee makes allegations, we take immediate action with and on behalf of our clients which is often able to reduce or remediate altogether the situation at hand. This is why it is so important to call the Watkins Firm at 858-535-1511 for a free consultation the moment you become aware of a potential legal issue involving any employee.

If a hearing is requested by the State, your Watkins Firm employer defense lawyer in San Diego will work diligently to provide the hearing officer with as much informative and substantive detail as possible to overshadow the Board’s apparent bias towards the employee’s point of view.  This is one of our greatest opportunities to present all that our employer client’s have done to meet and exceed the spirit and intent of California’s labor laws, and specifically the complaint before the Labor Board at the moment.

This invaluable first impression not only provides strong evidence that can affect the outcome of the hearing, it provides substantive information for the “record” that may be important upon appeal.

Proven, Experienced and Effective Employer Defense Lawyer in San Diego and Southern California

If you are searching for a proven,, experienced and effective employer defense lawyer in San Diego and Southern California the Watkins Firm brings more than 40 years of experience and successful results to your side of the equation.  We provide defense of San Diego employers before California Labor Board hearings, PAGA actions and in all matters relating to inquiries or disputes and ultimately lawsuits.

As an effective employer defense lawyer and general counsel, your Watkins Firm attorney will do everything possible to structure employment contracts, handbooks, and policies and procedures to reduce and eliminate wage and hour disputes before they ever arise.  When a dispute rises to the level of the California Labor Board, our clients often face substantial legal exposure.  We work to win the dispute, and close the door on financial obligations or settlements.

We dismantle PAGA lawsuits and other employer defense related class actions before they can get off the ground.  If you are involved in a wage and hour or overtime dispute, or have questions regarding California labor laws from the perspective of an employer we invite you to review our recent Podcast Episode 28 – Common Employer Disputes and Defenses as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.