Get Access to the Books as a Shareholder

Get Access to the Books as a Shareholder - Minority Shareholder Lawyer

What does it take to get access to the books as a shareholder in a corporation?  When do you have the right to access important corporate information and how do you protect your interests as a shareholder when you are being harassed and/or shut out by majority stakeholders?  How do you protect your rights as a minority shareholder or investor?

Gaining Access to Important Corporate Records

Are you having problems obtaining access to even simple requests such as the corporate records and documents as a minority shareholder in a corporation?  Are you involved a dispute with corporate executives, the Board of Directors or majority shareholders?  You have additional rights as a minority shareholder under California law and the Watkins Firm has more than four decades of experience helping to resolve San Diego shareholder disputes while accomplishing our client’s goals and objectives.

Shareholders have the right to access information based upon their need to protect their interests as a shareholder as well as their percentage of ownership in the corporation itself.  Different classes of stock may also provide additional benefits such as voting rights and/or the right to inspect the books.  In order to get access to the books as a shareholder you will need to provide written notice that includes specific access requests as well as justification that the request is “reasonably related” to your interests as a shareholder.

While majority interests may ignore you as an individual shareholder, when this request comes from one of our experienced, proven attorneys they realize you have the law on your side and are prepared to defend your rights to information access. This strategy is the most common manner in which our clients are able to get access to the books as a shareholder as well as other corporate records and documents in San Diego and Southern California.

Resolving Your Shareholder Dispute

Disputes between shareholders arise for a myriad of reasons, most often financial.  The non-payment of dividends or concerns regarding decisions and business strategy are common reasons for these issues.  Should you file a lawsuit?  What is the best strategy to resolve the issue at hand in a timely and cost-effective manner?

The Watkins Firm takes a unique approach to resolving shareholder disputes and lawsuits.  The basic options available are negotiation, mediation, arbitration or litigation.  We prepare every case from the outset for trial.  Our strong track record of success at trial provides incentive for opposing parties to come to the negotiating table and work toward a solution in good faith.  They know we are proven trial attorneys and most wish to avoid the cost and time-consuming contingent liabilities of protracted business litigation.

Our effective attorneys begin by assessing the facts at hand and gaining a mastery of the associated financial damages as well as the chronology of events.  This chronology, the potential for substantial damages and the denial of your rights as a shareholder provides strong legal leverage.  The fear of financial loss helps to gain the full attention of the other party and draw them into constructive negotiations.  You should know that the Watkins Firm is able to resolve the vast majority of our minority shareholder dispute and shareholder dispute cases through effective, leveraged negotiation.  This accomplishes our client’s goals in the shortest amount of time and the least amount of cost.

When necessary, mediation and arbitration provide cost-effective alternatives to placing the case before a San Diego Court.  Each option provides advantages and disadvantages, and we provide sound advice and counsel to our clients to help them to fully understand each alternative, the associated benefits and risks and reach a sound business decision.

Protect Your Rights and Get Access to the Books as a Shareholder in San Diego and Southern California

Protect your rights and get access to the books as a shareholder in San Diego and Southern California.  You have rights under the law, especially as a minority shareholder.  Protect your rights and interests as well as the fruits of your investment(s).

If you are involved in a shareholder dispute or have questions regarding your rights as a minority shareholder in a corporation we invite you to review our podcast Episode 14 – Shareholders’ Rights and Disputes, the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.