Legal Representation in a San Diego Mediation or Arbitration

Legal Representation in a San Diego Mediation or Arbitration

Are you looking for experienced legal representation in a San Diego mediation or arbitration case?  What is the difference between mediation and arbitration and what should you look for a San Diego mediation or arbitration attorney?

Mediation and arbitration are two separate and distinct legal venues for dispute resolution.  There are advantages and disadvantages to both, and the strategy associated with your business dispute should be tied to the highest probability of accomplishing your specific goals and objectives.  The Watkins Firm has provided representation in business litigation, mediation and arbitration cases in San Diego for decades.  Our experienced and proven attorneys provide sound counsel while working to successfully resolve and ultimately settle the underlying dispute.

Our unique approach to legal representation in a San Diego mediation or arbitration is specifically designed to reach a successful result in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-effective wayMediation is one option to accomplish this goal.  In mediation, the parties agree upon a neutral third party who guides the parties through a somewhat structured negotiation.  An effective mediator works to understand the position(s) of each party and help to establish common ground.  The parties and their legal representatives work together to identify options and hopefully agree upon resolution of the dispute in whole or in part.  The recommendations of the mediator are not binding, however, all discussions and work accomplished in mediation are confidential and will not become part of the public record.

Arbitration is a much more structured legal environment.  Again the parties agree upon a neutral third party who serves as the arbiter.  The arbiter is usually an attorney or judge with extensive experience and expertise in the area(s) associated with the dispute at hand.  Usually each side presents a carefully crafted legal brief to the arbiter.  The arbiter may hear testimony and gather evidence.  Ultimately the arbiter releases a ruling which is usually binding upon the parties and cannot be appealed unless fraud or collusion can be proven.  Arbitration is usually more expensive, but you know the dispute will be concluded and the time frame in which the resolution will occur.

If you seek experienced legal representation in a San Diego mediation or arbitration cases we invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a free consultation.