Mediation and Arbitration Attorneys for San Diego and Southern California

Mediation and Arbitration Attorneys for San Diego and Southern California

Are you involved in a business dispute?  The mediation and arbitration attorneys at the Watkins Firm have more than four decades of experience resolving business disputes in a cost-effective and timely manner.

As San Diego litigation attorneys with four decades of experience and a strong track record of success the Watkins Firm can tell you that the best strategy for most civil and business litigation cases is to resolve or settle the matter in the shortest possible time frame.  The time associated with the resolution of disputes and the extent of the disagreement between the two parties are the primary factors associated with the expense of litigation.  How can one reduce the cost of a dispute, as well as the speed with which matters can be resolved?

Our Unique Approach to Business Disputes

The Watkins Firm employs a unique approach to business disputes: negotiation, mediation, then arbitration or trial.  The primary focus is always the successful achievement of our client’s goals and objectives for the dispute.  However, budget and time frames are always critical issues, and most clients want the matter settled positively as quickly as possible.

Most cases are resolved with our firm’s effective, leveraged negotiation skills.  In cases where genuine, principled differences consider mediation and arbitration as alternative dispute resolution options.  The first thing most Judges will do is order a “settlement conference,” in effect ordering the parties to negotiate a resolution when possible.  ADR strategies recognize the legal and financial realities of a dispute, and work to resolve matters efficiently.

The mediation and arbitration attorneys at the Watkins Firm work with our clients to develop and implement the right strategies to accomplish their goals and objectives for the dispute.

What is the Difference Between Mediation and Arbitration

What is the difference between mediation and arbitration as alternative dispute resolution options?  The answer lies in three key factors: contract language, time and money.

Mediation is a fairly loosely structured process facilitated by a neutral third-party mediator.  The mediator has extensive experience facilitating negotiations, as well as deep knowledge of the issues and associated law at the core of the dispute(s).  The mediator works to establish common ground and makes recommendations to help the parties to resolve their differences.  There is no requirement to accept the recommendations of the mediator, but a quality neutral is often successful at leading the parties to a successful conclusion.

The primary advantages of mediation are confidentiality and cost. Mediation is a private legal venue which keeps our client’s business and financial information out of the public record.  Mediation is generally faster and less expensive than arbitration.

Arbitration is a much more legally structured environment.  Our attorneys provide briefs to an agreed upon “arbiter” or “arbitrator” who gathers evidence and takes direct testimony from the parties and other witnesses.  The arbitrator weighs the matter and issues a finding that resolves the dispute for the parties.  The ruling of the arbitrator is usually binding (not open for appeal) but the parties know their dispute will be resolved by a fair and neutral third party without the expense of a long trial.

Experienced and Proven Mediation and Arbitration Attorneys for San Diego and Southern California

The experienced and proven mediation and arbitration attorneys at the Watkins Firm know these proven alternative dispute resolution options save time and money when compared to the lengthy process of a trial.  Your Watkins Firm attorney is uniquely positioned to represent you through each step of the process.  Our success at trial enhances our ability to successfully negotiate settlements at each step in the process and resolve disputes quickly and cost-effectively for our clients. If you are involved in a business or civil dispute we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.