Protecting San Diego Employers Requires Experience

Protecting San Diego Employers Requires Experience and Legal Skill

Today more than ever, protecting San Diego employers requires experience from a proven employer defense attorney.   San Diego businesses are governed by more federal, state and local laws, agencies, and mandates than at any time in history, and California can present interesting legal challenges for our employers.

Plantiff’s attorneys are aggressively marketing to employees in many industries in order to target employers for wage and hour or employment related violations.  Once they find a single employee with a perceived grievance they ask that new client to identify others with whom they presently work as well as those who may have had an issue with your company in the past. This can result in a PAGA action exposing the employer and the company to extensive financial liability.

If you are a San Diego business owner or employer, and a dispute has arisen between you and an employee, supplier or customer the most important thing is to act.  Immediately.  The Watkins Firm can help to diffuse the situation and reduce exposure to a federal or state labor agency hearing or a potential lawsuit.  Protecting San Diego employers requires experience, legal skill and the ability to resolve disputes and diffuse potentially harmful issues before they grow into something worse.  The Watkins Firm has decades of experience protecting employers from legal liabilities in San Diego and Southern California.

Are you looking for an experienced San Diego law firm with extensive employer defense experience? We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and  contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a free consultation.   Speak with seasoned business attorneys with decades of experience resolving liabilities for San Diego employers.

Protecting San Diego employers requires experience and extensive legal skill.  We’ve seen some fairly heavy accusations that would seem almost insurmountable melt away after the completion of our legal work. It’s all about the witnesses, and establishing a record of the patterns of behavior before, during and after an alleged issue or event. Our quick decisive action will make the difference between resolving an issue before it ever gets going, and facing a substantial contingent liability.