Proven Strategies For Defending a San Diego Employer

Proven Strategies for Defending a San Diego Employer - Defense

Are you searching for a law firm with a track record of proven strategies for defending a San Diego employer in disputes and employee related litigation?  Are you concerned about a recent complaint to a federal or state agency?  Have you been contacted regarding an “informal” hearing or conference?

The Watkins Firm has successfully defended San Diego employers for more than four decades in all manner of cases, including but not limited to:

Pro-Tip: “I say the same thing to everyone who owns a business and our employer clients. You should have a banker. You should have an accountant, a CPA, not just for taxes, just for day-to-day profitability. And you should have a relationship with a lawyer and you can pick up the phone and say, I’m worried about ‘this.’What an Effective San Diego Business Attorney Does For Clients

You don’t have to go in for a formal visit. You don’t have to pay a big retainer. You can pick up the phone and say, I’m worried about this employee. And you will send some emails back and forth and you’ll immediately know whether you need to go ready to fight or just take some specific action and you’ll be fine. We’ll know off the top of our head. We do this every day (and have for more than 40 years). Different clients, same issues. Call us for a free consultation – We’ll probably tell you not to worry about it, that mole is not cancer!” – Dan Watkins, Founding Partner

40+ Years of Successful Experience and Proven Strategies For Defending a San Diego Employer

Ask about our proven strategies for defending a San Diego employer as well as our strong track record at trial.  Ask us how many of our clients thought they were “dead to rights,” but were ultimately victorious based upon the work of the Watkins Firm.

PAGA litigation and wage and hour disputes have accelerated in recent years.  Plaintiff’s counsel are aggressively seeking employee cases.  The Watkins Firm only represents employers, and we work to help prevent these disputes from ever arising and defend employers in related disputes and litigation.

State and federal agencies have become much more aggressive.  You need to understand there is no such thing as an informal hearing related to an employee dispute.  The agency will begin these “informal” meetings by thoroughly grilling you about California labor law.  When the employer cannot successfully answer all of their questions, the meeting quickly turns into a “settlement conference” resulting in the employer writing a substantial check.  You are not an expert on California labor law, and you need the skilled and experienced employer defense attorneys at the Watkins Firm to protect your interests.

If you have been contacted by an employee regarding a potential lawsuit, or if a complaint has been filed with a State or Federal agency we invite you to review our podcast Episode 39 – What Keeps Employers Up at Night as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.

We will discuss the unique approach we bring to these cases that is designed to resolve them quickly and cost-effectively as well as our track record of proven strategies for defending San Diego employers.