Quick and Efficient Legal Dispute Resolution

Quick and Efficient Legal Dispute Resolution - Unique Proven Strategies

Quick and efficient legal dispute resolution in San Diego and Southern California requires a combination of extensive experience and legal skill.  It might surprise you to learn that the Watkins Firm is able to resolve most genuine legal disputes through effective, leveraged negotiation tactics backed by a strong legal case.

Let’s Have a Conversation About the Issue(s) at Hand

We begin the process of quick and efficient legal dispute resolution with a complimentary and substantive consultation that provides our clients with a strong understanding of their legal options, and the strategy we recommend to reach the most effective resolution based upon their unique goals.  We also provide a sound budget so that they are well prepared and informed as we begin our work.  Our clients value the approach we take and the efficient manner we employ to resolve their dispute.

Damages Are the Key in Any Dispute

A primary ingredient to any resolution are the “damages” associated with the dispute. We carefully document all of the costs associated with the dispute, and the lost opportunities and additional expense associated with actions of the other party.  This information provides the leverage needed to communicate several things to the other party or parties in the dispute:

  1. Our client is serious about protecting their interests and resolving the dispute
  2. We are prepared to take the matter through each stage of the legal process on our client’s behalf (negotiation, mediation, arbitration or litigation) and have a strong reputation and successful proven track record of winning
  3. We are prepared to enter constructive negotiations to resolve the matter

The Elements of Quick and Efficient Legal Dispute Resolution

Negotiation is always the fastest and most cost-effective manner of resolving our client’s legal disputes, and whenever possible we work to achieve this result.  When it is necessary, and consistent with our client’s goals and objectives, we will pursue a positive resolution through mediation and arbitration, or through litigation in a Court of law.

Once a lawsuit is filed, mediation is going to be required at the outset.  This can actually be a productive environment. Mediation is confidential, and is completely separate from any other step in the process.  The information and communications shared in mediation cannot be simply introduced into any subsequent steps in the process.  The case may be resolved during mediation, or in the weeks that follow as the reality of each party’s position has a chance to sink in and emotions to pass.

Quick and efficient legal dispute resolution in San Diego and Southern California is crucial for any business.  If you have a legal dispute, and value the experience and efficiency that is only gained through decades of effective legal service to the San Diego region, we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.