Who Protects Shareholder Interests in a Sale or Merger of a Corporation

Who Protects Shareholder Interests in Sale - Merger of Corporation

Who protects shareholder interests in a sale or merger of a Corporation across California?  How can an experienced San Diego business attorney reduce risk and increase the likelihood of a successful transaction?

The sale of an existing corporation or business interest in California is a legally and financially complex transaction, and there are many separate (and often competing) interests within these transactions.  The interests of the buyer versus those of the seller are obvious, but what about the shareholder interests within the ownership group of the business itself?  Who looks after the interests of minority ownership to protect their position and maximize the return on their investment?

A Merger is a Red Flag for Any Minority Shareholder

Did you know a merger is a red flag for any minority shareholder? Our experienced mergers and acquisitions attorneys have seen it too many times in over our more than four decades of experience serving the business, science and tech, real estate and medical / healthcare communities here in San Diego and throughout California.  Majority interests attempt to water down or eliminate altogether the voting and financial interests of majority shareholders through a merger.

You need to protect your investment and interests and ensure your power and financial dividends transfer to your stock in the new “merged” corporation.

If you own substantial stock or any ownership position in a corporation, or are a “member” or partner in an LLC you have the right to independent counsel to protect your legal and financial interests.  The cost for legal advice is almost always covered by the company or as a part of the transaction itself, and you deserve experienced and proven legal counsel.

The Watkins Firm has more than 40 years of proven experience protecting shareholder interests in the sale or merger of a corporation.  Shareholders need the services of a law firm who understands the nature of the “deal” who will will work to protect their interests in the transaction while working to help the facilitate the sale or merger if it is in the interests of our clients.

Contact Experienced, Proven Attorneys Who Protect Shareholder Interests in a Sale or Merger

Your Watkins Firm business and M & A attorney will work with you to protect your shareholder interests throughout the process of the transaction, while fostering positive and productive support to ensure a successful conclusion of the transaction (if that is your goal).  We protect our client’s work and investment and ensure their interests are represented throughout the process.  We reduce the risk of downstream contingent liabilities to ensure that you are in the best position after the merger or secure profit from the sale of your ownership shares as you move into the next investment or project that interests you.

We invite you to review our podcast Episode 14 – Shareholders’ Rights and Disputes as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.