Strong Contracts Prevent a Breach of Contract in San Diego

Strong Contracts Prevent a Breach of Contract in San Diego

Strong contracts prevent a breach of contract in San Diego and across California.  California is one of the most complex legal environments in which to start a company or operate a business.  This is especially true if you are a California employer.  It may sound a bit redundant, but one of the best strategies to avoid a breach of contract in San Diego and California business transactions begin with a strong, proven, battle-tested contract.

Proprietary, Battle-Tested Contracts

Many small business owners (and even mid-size companies as well) attempt to create their own contracts, or download a form and then modify it to save a few dollars. When the transaction doesn’t go as planned, and a breach of contract occurs the resulting expense, time and loss of opportunity become significantly expensive quite rapidly.  The costs of resolving the dispute or litigating the breach are exponentially more expensive than the cost of negotiating and creating a sound contract before entering into a transaction.  Simply put, strong contracts prevent a breach of contract before it ever has an opportunity to develop.

The Watkins Firm has developed a proprietary, battle-tested library of business contracts over our 40+ years of experience serving the business, science and tech, real estate and medical / healthcare communities here in San Diego and Southern California.  We have developed proven contracts that are then custom-tailored to your unique requirements.  You get a custom, proven business contract at a very competitive price when compared to download sites.  This is especially true if you value the additional consultations and discussions we share during the process of contract development.

The attorneys at the Watkins Firm have more than 40 years of experience with providing advice, counsel and legal service to thousands and thousands of San Diego and California businesses.  We in all likelihood not only understand your business, but have helped several clients in your actual market niche.  We can provide deep insight into the unique challenges that arise in your industry, and help to structure agreements that guide the parties seamlessly through the transaction.  We know where the pitfalls lie, and approach the transaction with enthusiasm and a positive working atmosphere that facilitates the completion of a deal, while helping the parties to move through the process successfully.

How do Strong Contracts Prevent a Breach of Contract in San Diego and Across California?

How do strong contracts prevent a breach of contract in San Diego and across California? A well drafted contract should clearly establish the responsibilities of each party and the time frames involved.  A strong contract anticipates the potential for breaches in advance and helps to provide a process to avoid them, and to rapidly resolve them when they occur. A contract is like a roadmap that guides the parties from the outset of the transaction to a successful completion.

What is the benefit of the bargain for each party?  What are their individual responsibilities?  What are the important timeframes associated with the contract and how will payment(s) be made?  What happens if one of the parties experiences a substantial challenge or an unexpected event or development challenges the ability to fulfill obligations under the agreement?

Your business contracts themselves will go a long way to determining the potential success or failure of each business transaction, and ultimately, the level of success enjoyed by your company.  The cost for working with our experienced business attorneys in advance is minimal when compared to the resulting profit when the transaction is successfully completed.  It pales in comparison to the cost of litigating or defending a breach of contract.

We invite you to review our podcast Episode 15 – Contract Law as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.