Resolving Business to Business Disputes Efficiently

Resolving Business to Business Disputes Efficiently - Prevent Litigation

Resolving business to business disputes efficiently early in the process through leveraged negotiation prevents expensive and time-consuming litigation.  The experienced business dispute attorneys at the Watkins Firm fully prepare each case as if it is going to trial.  This, combined with our successful track record in business lawsuits and litigation ensures that the opposing party or parties are motivated to avoid a protracted lawsuit, and settle the matter through more timely and cost-effective strategies.

We begin with a clear understanding of our client’s goals, exposure, resources and ultimate outcome.  We work to expediently document all aspects of the dispute including damages, and work to help our client to mitigate their losses as much as possible.  It is a command of the damages, and the documentation and legal skill of our team that drives the other party to engage and ultimately work productively to resolve the dispute.

In some cases, especially in instances of principled disagreement, it may be necessary to consider mediation and/or arbitration.  Each venue has its own rules, and as the matter moves from negotiation, through mediation and arbitration to an ultimate resolution in Court expenses climb and control over the outcome is reduced.  Our clients value the depth of our expertise based upon decades of experience in resolving business to business disputes efficiently.  We work together to keep costs contained, while advancing toward a resolution of the business dispute at hand.

If you are concerned about a business dispute with a customer, supplier or even an internal dispute with an employee we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.

Learn about our unique approach to litigation, and the strategies we deploy resolving business to business disputes and driving issues to a negotiated settlement that achieves our client’s goals.  We will discuss existing contracts, policies and procedures and additional strategies for resolving business to business disputes efficiently and to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of disputes in the future.