San Diego Insurance Bad Faith Attorney

San Diego Insurance Bad Faith Attorney – Reservation of Rights

What is insurance bad faith?  When do you need to contact a San Diego insurance bad faith attorney at the Watkins Firm?  Insurance bad faith is a legal term for the abuse of an insurance policy holder by their own insurance.  Insurance bad faith is usually associated with a claim against a policy.  The insurance company may make a ridiculously low settlement offer when compared to the coverage provided by the policy itself.  Another example of insurance bad faith is when a policy holder calls into their own insurance company regarding a claim and the representatives of the insurance company misrepresent the extent of policy coverage or tell them a claim will not be covered when it obviously should be.

This happens more regularly in San Diego than you might think.  If your insurance policy claim is denied you must receive a letter within 40 days from the date of the claim explaining exactly why the coverage was denied.  The failure to respond promptly to the claim itself or to provide a letter with reasons for denial is another example of insurance bad faith.  If you have questions regarding the coverages included in your commercial or individual insurance policy we will review your policy and if necessary hold the insurance company accountable to provide the benefit of the policy you purchased.

Another tactic we often see is known as a Reservation of Rights Letter.  A reservation of rights letter from your insurance company is a huge red flag, and you should contact a San Diego insurance bad faith attorney at the Watkins Firm immediately.  This letter means the insurance company intends to deny coverage on part or all of your claim.  The attorneys representing  your own insurance company owe their first allegiance to the policy itself!  They have no reservations about throwing a policy holder under the bus in order to get their client, the insurance company, off the hook.

You have rights as an insured policy holder here in California.  If you are a defendant in an insurance related lawsuit contact us and ask about “Cumis Counsel” and how your insurance company must pay for your own independent counsel.  If you are concerned about how your insurance company has treated you or the denial of a claim we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact a San Diego insurance bad faith attorney at the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.