A Shareholder Dispute can be Resolved Quickly and Cost Effectively

A Shareholder Dispute can be Resolved Quickly and Cost Effectively

It may be reassuring to know that a shareholder dispute can be resolved quickly and cost effectively. There are few cases which can become more costly in terms of capital, resources and loss of business focus and opportunity than a shareholder dispute.

Unique Strategies Based Upon More Than Forty Years of Experience

When a significant disagreement develops between shareholders in a business joint venture or corporation the primary focus on the day-to-day business decisions is often interrupted.  Valuable internal resources are spent dealing with the dispute and posturing.

The San Diego business dispute attorneys at the Watkins Firm understand the nature of a shareholder dispute.  We have developed unique strategies over more than forty years which have proven to be successful at resolving the majority of these disputes through effective, leveraged negotiation.  This is the fastest and least expensive way to resolve a shareholder dispute.

Our approach is focused upon cost-effective strategies designed to master the chronology of events and supporting evidence and a calculation of potential damages in order to provide the leverage necessary to put the matter to rest in the shortest possible time frame.  We work to surface the issue(s) in dispute and apply our extensive experience and legal skill to recommend and implement solutions that move the parties away from conflict and toward a solution or settlement.

Your Shareholder Dispute can be Resolved Quickly and Cost Effectively

In many cases, the simple presence of our experienced attorneys puts the matter in a different light for opposing parties and their counsel.  Shareholders have rights.  Shareholders within a given class must be treated equally and there are extensive federal and California laws which protect the rights and interests of shareholders.

The central issue in a shareholder dispute is almost always a financial interest.  There are cases of substantial fraud, deception and unfair business practices which require additional work in venues such as mediation and arbitration. If this is the case, we are prepared to represent you in any legal forum to protect your interests.

Most cases involving a shareholder dispute can be resolved quickly and cost effectively.  Let’s open a conversation to determine what is going on and the specific actions you can take to put a stop to it.

If you are looking for legal support from an experienced legal team who will not dump gasoline on the fire in order to generate additional conflict (and higher legal fees) while solving the matter at hand efficiently we invite you to review our podcast, Episode 14 – Shareholders’ Rights and Disputes, the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.  Learn how we can contribute to a quick resolution that will help to resolve the issue(s) and move your business and financial interests forward.