California dog wash may go down drain over contract dispute

On behalf of Daniel Watkins of Watkins Firm, A Professional Corporation posted on Monday, November 18, 2013.

A popular service for dog owners is in danger of going belly up after an issue recently came up between company owners and the California county in which it does business. The contract dispute has led to the business owner receiving notice that he has three months to shut down operations. Both sides are stating that the other side is at fault, especially concerning whether required documentation has been submitted and received.

The dog wash business is currently set up at several locations in the county at parks that are popular with dog owners. The self-titled dog spa allows owners to bathe their own pets in the facilities that are in place in parking areas. While the business is considered an enhancement to the parks, if the business and the county cannot come to an agreement, then the company will have to shut down.

The issue appears to be over late rental payments and missing documentation concerning business receipts. The rent is reportedly based on a percentage of the income from the pet wash facilities. The owner has admitted to being late in the past on his rent but claims that he is in the process of bringing his account current. In addition, the owner claims to have submitted required paperwork and that the county may have misplaced it.

The business provides a valuable service to the residents who enjoy taking their animals to the county parks. Some say that the dog bathing business is the reason they visit the parks where it is offered. County officials, too, state that the enterprise is popular and that they would seek a similar company to fill any void. Whenever a contract dispute arises, it can affect more than the parties involved. There are resources available in California that may enable businesses to reach an equitable solution if they find themselves in a similar situation and want to avoid the possibility of going to the dogs, unless — like this business — that is their intention.

Source:, Contract Dispute May Pull Plug on Company’s Dog-Wash Stations at County Parks, Lara Cooper, Nov. 7, 2013