ADA Litigation Defense Attorneys Based in San Diego

The number of ADA related lawsuits has sharply risen in the past few years here in San Diego, and across the State of California.  Many lawsuits are brought by plaintiffs who are consistently in court on the matter, those we often refer to in the legal industry as “serial plaintiffs.” ...

Compliance with ADA Title I and Title III Laws and Regulations

San Diego employers are required to review and ensure compliance with all ADA Title I and Title III regulations and laws.  The number of ADA related lawsuits has climbed exponentially over the past few years, and employers with public spaces and amenities are common targets of an ADA action.  How...

ADA Litigation Cases on the Rise in San Diego

San Diego employers should take note that ADA litigation cases are on the rise locally and across the State of California.  In many cases, they are brought by plaintiffs who have filed multiple lawsuits across the state.  The primary takeaway for San Diego employers is this: Ensure that your employment...