Pay Attention to the LLC Operating Agreement

Why should you pay attention to the LLC operating agreement and why do most new LLC members and entrepreneurs miss this important document?  Many legal download sites provide new business start-up packages which are supposed to help you save a few dollars when starting a new business.  The fact is...

Business Contracts Protect Your Business Relationships

Well-crafted business contracts protect your business relationships throughout San Diego and Southern California while ensuring successful business transactions.  If you care about the quality of your business relationships or the success of your business transactions look first to the quality of your business contracts.  Your business contracts should clearly establish...

You Need an Effective Employment Contract Now More Than Ever

An effective employment contract and associated documents are crucial to business success.  Employment related litigation has more than doubled over the past few years resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in liabilities for US and San Diego employers.  What steps can you take to reduce the risk of an...

Improved Business Contracts Increase Profitability

Did you realize that improved business contracts increase profitability for your San Diego and Southern California business?  Are you looking for ways to increase revenue?  The quality and craftsmanship of your contracts will establish not only the likelihood of future success, but help to lock in profit. The Value of...

Effective Supply and Distribution Contracts in San Diego

Effective supply and distribution contracts are crucial to many San Diego businesses.  Well-crafted supply, licensing and distribution contracts help to efficiently manage the successful relationship between your company (as a supplier) and those businesses who distribute the products and/or services your company creates. If your company licenses services or builds...

Elements of Effective Supply and Distribution Contracts

What are the elements of effective supply and distribution contracts?  How can well-crafted supply and distribution contracts expand your business and open new markets? Responding to a “Need it Now” and “Borderless” Marketplace The continuing development and ease of shopping on the internet and the changes in the global economy...

The Importance and Value of Well-Crafted Business Contracts

The importance and value of well-crafted business contracts for any San Diego or Southern California business or corporation cannot be overstated.  Your business contracts should guide all of your company’s relationships and transactions through potential challenges to a successful outcome, while reducing or eliminating the likelihood of litigation. Well-Crafted Contracts...

Nothing Creates Profit Like a Well-Crafted Business Contract

After more than 40 years of experience as a business and corporate attorney in San Diego and Southern California I can tell you this for certain: nothing creates profit like a well-crafted business contract. The negotiation and creation of a business contract is where profit is often realized. Yes, the...

Employment Contract and Arbitration Agreement in San Diego

Substantial recent changes in federal and California law require employers to review and update their employment contract and arbitration agreement in San Diego.  The protections of an arbitration agreement took a beating here in California until the recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in Coinbase...