Employment Contract and Arbitration Agreement in San Diego

Employment Contract and Arbitration Agreement in San Diego

Substantial recent changes in federal and California law require employers to review and update their employment contract and arbitration agreement in San Diego.  The protections of an arbitration agreement took a beating here in California until the recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in Coinbase v Bielski supports a decision in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, et al., v. Bonta, et al. These cases reaffirm the rights of San Diego and Southern California employers to legally implement and enforce arbitration agreements while invalidating California’s AB 51 and related previous legislation.

Why are Employment Contracts Important?

What is the importance of a well-crafted employment contract and arbitration agreement in San Diego and how will this reduce a Southern California employer’s exposure to disputes and employment related litigation?  The employment contract combined with an arbitration agreement form a strong foundation from the perspective of reducing or eliminating many forms of employee disputes including:

The combination of an effective employment contract and arbitration agreement supported by all documents surrounding them such as the employee handbook and corporate policies and procedures manuals are the front line of litigation defense.  Our attorneys carefully craft these documents to clearly establish policies that eliminate an employer’s risk for lawsuits, while establishing a culture that promotes and rewards productivity and seniority.

Policies surrounding advance written approval for any overtime should be written into the employment contract itself, as well as all associated documents.  The form or timecard used to report the hours worked by your employees should contain specific language that eliminates the ability to come back in the future and allege unpaid overtime violations under penalty of perjury.

Healthcare Employment Contract and Arbitration Agreement in San Diego

Your California healthcare employment contract and arbitration agreement in San Diego for physicians and healthcare workers can be even more complex.  The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of experience advising medical practices, dental offices, healthcare organizations, urgent care, outpatient treatment facilities and associated Management Service Organizations in all aspects of employment and corporate law.

Recent changes in healthcare insurance and the provision of healthcare services have brought significant changes to the healthcare employment contract, arbitration agreement, benefits, and other factors associated with the delivery of healthcare services.  It is important to ensure that your practice or healthcare organization is compliant with all federal, state and local laws while reducing or eliminating the risk of employment related litigation.

40+ Years of Experience Providing Legal Services and Employer Defense for Employers

The importance of the need of Southern California employers to update their employment contract and arbitration agreement in San Diego cannot be exaggerated or over-stated.  Recent years have brought significant changes to employment laws at the federal, state and local levels.

The attorneys at the Watkins Firm have become San Diego’s go to business and corporate law attorneys with a strong focus on advising and defending San Diego employers. Draw on our more than 40 years of experience providing legal services, advice and counsel and employer defense for employers throughout Southern California.

If you would like to learn more about the new requirements associated with your employment contract and arbitration agreement in San Diego as well as proven strategies to prevent employee-related litigation before a dispute ever arises we invite you to Listen to our Podcast Episode 4 – Risk and Guidance for CA Employers and review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.