Dispute with a Former Employee or Business Partner

Many San Diego business litigation cases involve a dispute with a former employee or business partner who is now competing against their former company.  While California’s non-compete laws may seem too restrictive for employers, defending your company’s proprietary information, trade secrets, practices, customer lists and industry contacts is not. Unfair...

Attorneys to Defend Breach of Fiduciary Duty in San Diego

Are you searching for experienced and proven attorneys to defend breach of fiduciary duty in San Diego?  Are you a corporate executive, shareholder, board member, trustee or person in a position of power and/or influence who has been accused of a breach of fiduciary duty?  You will need the experienced,...

Quick and Efficient Legal Dispute Resolution

Quick and efficient legal dispute resolution in San Diego and Southern California requires a combination of extensive experience and legal skill.  It might surprise you to learn that the Watkins Firm is able to resolve most genuine legal disputes through effective, leveraged negotiation tactics backed by a strong legal case....

Options to Resolve a Business Dispute in San Diego

What are the primary options to resolve a business dispute in San Diego and Southern California?  How can the Watkins Firm’s unique approach to litigation resolve a business dispute quickly and in a cost-efficient manner? Business litigation is fraught with risk and contingent liabilities which can stretch across many months...

Resolving a Dispute with Members in Your LLC

Resolving a dispute with members in your LLC quickly and efficiently is crucial for any San Diego business.  Disputes between members of an LLC can not only be counter-productive to the management of the company, they can threaten the viability of the underlying business itself.  What are the key issues...

Resolving a Business Dispute is About the Damages

Resolving a business dispute is about the damages and how to limit them while working toward a productive settlement.  The Watkins Firm takes a unique approach to business litigation focused upon accomplishing our client’s goals quickly and in a cost-efficient manner.  The key to all business disputes and business litigation...

How to Resolve a Business Lawsuit Efficiently in San Diego

Are you concerned about how to resolve a business lawsuit efficiently in San Diego?  What strategies will bring a positive resolution which reflects your goals and objectives?  How can you remove the substantial contingent liability associated with the lawsuit?  The Watkins Firm has decades of experience and a substantial successful...

The Importance of Your Calendar and Meeting Notes

What is the importance of your calendar and meeting notes?  How might a few extra steps protect your company and reduce exposure associated with any business dispute? Many San Diego business professionals, employers, contractors and real estate investors don’t realize the value of keeping a detailed calendar.  A calendar is...