Professional License Defense Against California Licensing Boards and Agencies

Are you searching for San Diego and Southern California attorneys with extensive experience in professional license defense against California licensing boards and agencies?  Have you been notified by your licensing board or agency that your professional license is under investigation?  Are you facing an accusation or allegation against your professional...

Southern California and San Diego Physician Professional License Defense

Are you searching for attorneys with proven experience and successful results in Southern California and San Diego physician professional license defense?  The Watkins Firm has served San Diego and Southern California medical practices, healthcare entities, doctors, nurses and medical professionals for over 30 years.  We professionally and effectively represent doctors,...

San Diego Nursing License Defense Attorney

Are you concerned about an investigation or an accusation?  Are you searching for a proven, experienced San Diego nursing license defense attorney? You have invested a lot of time, money and education to get your nursing license and build a career.  Now something has come up which threatens your professional...

Physician Doctor and Nursing License Defense Lawyer

If you are under investigation or have been accused of wrongdoing by the California Board of Registered Nursing or the Medical Board of California you need an experienced and proven physician doctor and nursing license defense lawyer. The medical profession is under extreme duress during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we...

San Diego Professional License Defense Lawyers

Are you searching for experienced and proven San Diego professional license defense lawyers?  Your professional license is the foundation of your professional work and financial success.  You have substantially invested your time, education, money and work life to achieve your professional license and establish a career.  Has something come up...