San Diego Licensed Professional Alcohol or Substance Abuse Allegations

San Diego Licensed Professional Alcohol or Substance Abuse Allegations

San Diego licensed professional alcohol or substance abuse allegations can threaten any professional license, especially for medical professionals such as doctors and nurses.

The Watkins Firm has served the San Diego and Southern California professional community as well as the medical and healthcare industry for decades.  We represent attorneys and accountants, engineers and architects, physicians, nurses and all licensed professionals against allegations of alcohol or substance abuse.

You might have recognized the challenges you face on your own, or you might be facing an investigation or accusation by your professional licensing agency.  What actions should you take to protect all of the time, education and money you’ve invested in your professional license and livelihood?

San Diego licensed professional alcohol or substance abuse allegations are actually quite common, even more so in the stressful environment of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The experienced professional license defense attorneys at the Watkins Firm want you to know you are not alone.  We have helped many professionals just like you to manage these challenges, present mitigating or exculpatory evidence and work to develop a successful license defense strategy.

It might surprise you to learn there doesn’t have to be any affect on your work life for an alcohol or substance abuse or mental health issue to result in a challenge to your license.  The question is what to do about it.

Most of our clients have never faced disciplinary action before.  They are solid, law abiding and successful professionals who have encountered a challenge.  We work to identify the first steps of assessment and treatment, while exploring non-disciplinary programs or options which help you to work through the process.  The goal is to provide the best opportunity for recovery while protecting your professional license.  Our experienced defense attorneys know the key to San Diego licensed professional alcohol or substance abuse allegations includes a proactive plan and documentation.

Are you facing allegations of alcohol or drug abuse or addiction?  We invite you to immediately contact the Watkins Firm or call today for a complimentary and private consultation at 858-535-1511.  Learn what we can do to protect your professional license and career.