San Diego Shareholder Disputes Disrupt Business

San Diego Shareholder Disputes Disrupt Business – 40+ Years Experience

San Diego shareholder disputes disrupt business and make it harder for the company to continue growth and prosperity.

What happens when a shareholder dispute develops in your corporation?  The minds of the business partners and investors become distracted by the disagreement, and they take their thoughts off of the day-to-day operations and needs of the business.  The impact of the dispute adds up over time, and before long the company itself is in trouble.

Multiple Forms of Shareholder Disputes Disrupt Business and Operational Relationships

Multiple forms of shareholder disputes disrupt business in San Diego and Southern California while affecting operational relationships and decision making.  The most common shareholder dispute is about money, either a dispute over distributions (or the lack of them) or concern about the handling of money and the payment of bonuses and unfair compensation to executives, board members and other shareholders.

Shareholders may have genuine concerns about the direction of the company and conflicts of interests for other shareholders and key players in the corporation.  Other shareholder disputes are grounded in deeply concerning behaviors such as breaches of fiduciary duty, commingling, violations or breaches of the shareholders’ agreement or corporate documents or even unlawful activities such as embezzlement or fraud.

Shareholders’ are to be provided access to specific types of corporate information such as the corporate documents themselves as well as lists of shareholders.  Those with voting shares or a percentage of the outstanding shares in the corporation usually have access to financial reports as well as the books.  The Watkins Firm often has to assert those rights on behalf of our clients in order to help them to protect their investments and interests.

40 Years of Experience Resolving Shareholder Disputes

Fortunately, the Watkins Firm has more than 40 years of experience resolving shareholder disputes quickly and efficiently.  Your Watkins Firm shareholder dispute attorney will quickly develop a thorough chronology of events and mastery of the damage.  We use these tools to gain the attention of opposing parties and their counsel for effective, leveraged negotiations.

The Watkins Firm is able to resolve the vast majority of their shareholder dispute cases through negotiation.  This is the fastest and least expensive path to resolve your shareholder dispute.

Business mediation is an effective, private and confidential legal tool for resolving a principled shareholder dispute.  Many shareholders’ agreements and contracts require arbitration as an alternative to trial in a Court.  Your Watkins Firm shareholder dispute resolution attorney is prepared to represent and protect your interests in any legal venue.  We work to accomplish your goals for the dispute quickly and efficiently.

San Diego shareholder disputes disrupt business and affect the interests and profits of investors and shareholders alike.  If you are involved in a shareholder dispute we invite you to review our podcast Episode 11 – Resolving Business Disputes as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.