What action should be taken when a contractor receives a demand letter from an insurance company for work completed several years ago? This is a tricky legal issue as this is usually the precursor to a lawsuit. Immediate action must be taken to protect our contractor clients against false claims of hidden construction defects, poor workmanship or other legal liabilities. In many cases the situation involves a home builder or contractor who built a home, condo, apartment complex or other real property several years earlier, and now the insurance company of the owner is attempting to intimidate or threaten the contractor with a demand for restitution for repairs.
Most well meaning contractors would appreciate the opportunity to investigate what has happened, and when appropriate offer repairs or remediating services. What happens when the repairs have already been completed and an insurance company is attempting to stick you with the bill?
The experienced construction defect and contractor defense attorneys at the Watkins Firm have decades of experience in these matters. There are specific legal steps which must be followed, statutes of limitations and other legal protections which protect contractors and builders from these sorts of claims. Our attorneys will protect your interests, advise you as to what (if any) action should be taken, and respond to any demand letter or other communication from the insurance company or property owner. We aggressively defend builders, contractors, trades people and others in construction disputes and hidden defect cases.
We thoroughly investigate the initial agreements, the alleged defects or workmanship issues, the law governing these transactions and the likelihood that the claim actually meets the strict limitations imposed by California law. We employ a unique approach to disputes and litigation which is designed to resolve these types of disputes in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-effective manner.
When a contractor receives a demand letter from an insurance company or property owner they should contact us immediately or call 858-535-1511 for a free consultation. Learn all we can do to protect you from these claims and resolve the matter while aggressively guarding your interests.