Experienced Legal Team for Mergers and Acquisitions in San Diego

Experienced Legal Team for Mergers and Acquisitions in San Diego

Are you searching for an experienced legal team for mergers and acquisitions in San Diego and Southern California?  The quality, experience and proven track record of your business attorney is important when a purchase and sale agreement must cover complex sales transactions such as those involving commercial real estate, business assets or the acquisition of an existing company.  A purchase and sale agreement is much different than a “bill of sale.”  Generally speaking, a purchase and sale agreement will contain much more detailed information about the buyer and seller, the subject of the transaction and language which anticipates challenges which might arise along the way.

The Typical Process in a Purchase and Sale

The Watkins Firm is an experienced legal team for mergers and acquisitions in San Diego.  We have served the San Diego business community for decades and have extensive experience in purchase and sale transactions.  Purchase and sale agreements are quite common in commercial real estate deals.  While these complex contractual agreements are often quite lengthy, the Watkins Firm attorneys know which terms are critical to a successful transaction and the specific details which must be addressed.

In many cases, this process begins with a Letter of Intent (LOI).  Most LOIs include language which is intended to create a nonbinding atmosphere where the parties are not yet creating a contractual relationship.  Watkins Firm attorneys take that process a bit further to limit our client’s potential liability if a judge takes a broader perspective that the LOI is actually a contract.

An effective purchase and sale agreement should establish a clear time line for the transaction, the requirements for clean estoppels and other provisions which protect your interests without affecting the nuanced “deal making environment” between the parties.

Your Experienced Legal Team for Mergers and Acquisitions in San Diego

An asset purchase or stock purchase transaction is not only legally complex, but is often fraught with potential risk and contingent liability.

If you are searching for a proven and experienced legal team for mergers and acquisitions in the San Diego region or across Southern California we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.  Learn more about the process associated with successful purchase and sale transactions and how to protect your interests while accomplishing your goals and objectives.