Insurance Coverage Analysis Attorneys in San Diego

Insurance Coverage Analysis Attorneys in San Diego

Have you been denied for a valid claim on a commercial or individual insurance policy in good standing?  Our insurance coverage analysis attorneys in San Diego provide detailed insight for commercial and individual clients who wish us to review their policies regarding questions of specific coverage.  Insurance policies are mostly legal verbiage designed to make it confusing for normal business and individual customers to read and understand.  The legal issues contained within an insurance contract are quite complex, and policy holders are often denied for valid claims on their policy.  In some cases the insurance company attempts to pay far too little toward the genuine value of a claim.

It is also unfortunate that some insurance agents and phone representatives will misrepresent the coverages provided under your policy.  This may not be a purposeful act to deceive the insured as to what the policy covers, but it is illegal none the less.  California law provides clear guidance on the actions of an insurance company and the requirements for prompt processing of a claim and a short time frame for a denial letter that must contain full reasoning for the denial of a claim.

Our insurance bad faith attorneys protect your interests.  If you have been denied for what you believe is a valid claim against an insurance policy, your carrier must provide specific reasons for the denial within a reasonable time following denial.

You will have a limited amount of time to appeal that decision, so it is important to act as soon as you receive a letter of denial on your claim.  We review your policy and all aspects of the language and coverages surrounding the issue(s) in question.  Our experienced attorneys provide in-depth insurance coverage analysis in San Diego to determine the coverages contained within your policy, and the extent of the insurance company’s responsibility to compensate you for your claim.

If you wish to have your commercial or personal insurance policy reviewed regarding a matter of coverage or interpretation, we invite you to contact us or call today for a free consultation at 858-535-1511.

We will review the viability of your policy, the claim and advise you on the best course of action regarding your case.